
2022 Work Trends Index

Microsoft’s Jared Spataro on the Employee Trends Leaders Need to Know

Listened to this today over lunch. The parts about delayed send, setting time boundaries are great. I have been trying to do this as of recent and it can really help.

Leaders: try not to email your people at night, or the weekends, or holidays. Delay send in Outlook and let it hit them when they are in. Why add stress to a time when they should be de-stressing. Yes, I understand there are emergencies (and they should be rare) but lets step back and give people mindshare for their lives and space to do things besides “always be working”!

The key part of the conversation:


Well, I definitely feel like I’ve learned some things over the course of the last two years. One of the biggest new things that I do is what I call time blocking. I don’t even know if it’s a thing, but it’s a thing for me, and this is really limiting the amount of time I give work, which sounds counterintuitive, but I feel like it’s helped me to be more productive. So I’ve limited my working time from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and not outside those boundaries at all. That’s in contrast to lots of people. We even see in the data [that people] post some time in the evening, will go back and do email or work on projects. And I certainly used to be in that camp.




Exactly. I think we all are, right, but I’d really try to take a hard line of, Hey, I just do that. It has made a tremendous difference for me. I mean, it just allows me to feel like I have a break. My direct reports and the members of my team tell me, ‘Wow, it’s just nice not to get email from you during that time,’ because it creates this impression that they should be doing something, too. And so even when I do get messages from them, I don’t answer them, which I think is creating a different feeling on the team. And then because of that, we’ve created this little email truce, where, look, don’t email each other on weekends. We have really made liberal use of the delayed send feature of Outlook, which makes a huge difference. You can process your email on weekends, just delay send for Monday morning. And I know when I get about three emails from a couple of my directs on Monday morning, I’m like, Well done. And then no nighttime. We’ve said after 6:00, we don’t want to email or contact each other unless it’s really an emergency. So those are small things, but they’ve made a really tremendous difference. And of course you have some exceptions when you really have to go after it and there’s a pretty intense time. But I think making those the exceptions rather than the rule has changed culture. It’s definitely had an impact on my life.


So does offering that flexibility you speak of come at the individual leader level, you know, a manager to their small team? Or is it more effective, more systemically or structurally, at the corporate level?


You have to set the culture for that at the corporate level. You have to have the senior-most leaders paint that picture and help people understand, not only is this okay, this is what we want. You know, one great example is in my work with Satya Nadella, who is the CEO of Microsoft. He always is asking us, the senior leaders, ‘Hey, what do you want out of this job?’ He tells us, ‘What is it going to do for you? If you find that answer and understand it, well, I think you’re going to be a better employee here.’ And I’ve never heard a business leader talk to me like that. The first couple of times I heard it I thought, I wonder if this is part of his speechwriter’s talk track for us, you know? And then I realized, No, he’s serious. In interactions, he’s serious. So I think you set the tone at the corporate level. If you don’t set that tone, everybody kind of wonders when the crackdown is coming, when the reality is going to hit. But then I would say that the rubber hits the road at the individual manager level. That’s where the moment comes for us to live the culture. And so it’s this really important give and take between that corporate and then that individual frontline manager. That’s where I think we can see a big change, but that’s a cultural shift for lots of organizations. They may not have operated that way previously. But I do think that you need to do it like that. If you don’t, you end up with all sorts of variations on that that get wobbly. And so you need to have that alignment and also that empowerment down to the frontline manager.

Life Random

What the Heck Does Auld Lang Syne Mean?

I have always wondered why we sing Auld Lang Syne at New Years Eve. I found out today from this video from Vox:

So there are a ton of different versions of this song.

Two of my favorites are

  1. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
  2. The Beach Boys

Yeah – harmonies from The Beach Boys? You can’t beat that.

Happy New Year!

Kids Life

Traveling with Kids – Pro Tip

We travel for holidays and other times throughout the year. We have a 5 year old van. It has a DVD player.

We have some DVDs but not a ton, most media is digital. The van has no way to hook it up.

Here is what I do and this is a pretty good tip if you can do it.

Find a Redbox in the city you are in – Walgreens usually has one. Rent a few DVDs for one night, maybe 5 bucks.

Then at your destination – drop them off. Works every time!

Kids Technology

iPads and Kids

If you had kids, and an iPad, they may try to unlock it themselves. You may run into a situation where you see something like this

Image result for ipad is disabled
This is a representation of what my iPad just looked like.

In this case, there are two things you can do. Well, besides waiting 1 million years.

  1. If you have find my iPhone set up you can remotely wipe it. That works if the iPad is connected to Wifi.
  2. If you have your computer, you can connect it, open iTunes and hard reset it. iTunes will ask you to update or restore. Restore it. You can then set it up fresh or restore from backup once it comes back up

Seems like this is a problem that should be solvable somehow 🙂

Life Product Reviews Technology

What I’m Using – January 2019 Edition

I like to change up my setup and process on a regular basis. Android, iPhone, Windows, Mac, Apps & Services, etc. Here is what I am using, January 2019 Edition


Phone – iPhone Xs Max 256 Gb AT&T running iOS 12.1.2. Backup: OnePlus 2 running the latest Android OS it allows.

Work Machine – MacBook Pro 15 in 2015 Edition (no dongles required!) running macOS Mojave (Beta). Bonus: Windows 10 Enterprise Oct 2018 edition VM in Parallels.

Home Machine – Surface Pro 3 running Windows 10 Insider Edition. Have an OLD 2011 iMac that is on it’s deathbed.

Bonus: iPad Air 2 used for reading books to myself and the kids, and just playing with iPad stuff


Nintendo Switch – playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Tennis Aces, Mario Kart, Mario Party, as well as NES games on Nintendo Online. Looking forward to new Mario game and Metroid! I am Supernova on Nintendo Online

Playstation 4 – playing God of War, Last of Us. Just finished Red Dead Redemption 2 recently. Have Spider-man on queue for the winter! I am ScaleOvenStove on PS Network.

Xbox One – haven’t been playing much here. Unravel. Was doing the Telltale Walking Dead series, waiting for the last chapter to come out after the layoff drama. I might get Red Dead Redemption on Xbox as there is backward compatibility. I am ScaleOvenStove on Xbox live.

Other – SNES classic – been playing some SNES Zelda as well. on iOS played a little Fire Emblem Heroes but haven’t gotten much into it.


Apple TV 4 – this is my go to entertainment device. We have cable since we moved into our new house but I don’t watch cable, I just hook up all the apps on the Apple TV to stream. Mostly sports there.

YouTube is my main viewing channel though, I do have YouTube Premium as I hate ads!

MoviesAnywhere is also a great service as I have videos on Google Play, Amazon and iTunes, but can watch them anywhere.

Apps & Services

Home: iMessage, Gmail, Google Photos, Google Maps, Dark Sky, Nest, YouTube, Apollo (Reddit), Twitter, Apple Music. Lots more niche or specific apps, these are just the highlights.

Work: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Yammer and Outlook, OneDrive and a few others.

Notables: Deactivated Facebook and Instagram. Deleted the apps, and Snapchat app. WeChat as well. Facebook has too many privacy issues. My phone battery life and my attention span thanks me. Maybe someday I will go back.

Wishlist: Apple Music on Google Home devices. I used Google Home devices around the house, and Google Play music is OK, but their implementation on iOS is bad.


There are a bunch of different devices and services out there, I like to move things around. Going full on Android might be something soon, with a Pixel 3 or something, but iMessage is such a pull back into iOS. A little cross device and platform compatibility would really make things easier for people that aren’t tied to any platform. We can only hope one day things are better for consumers!

Life Product Reviews Technology

The State of Parental Controls going into 2019

Kids are now growing up in a digital age. Screens are part of their lives from day one. As they grow, they want to use devices and play games and do whatever everyone else is doing. I am not going to debate if this is a good or bad thing – but it is a reality. 

Major tech companies have taken notice and they have been (and still are in progress) releasing ways for parents to keep tabs on their kids’ device and screen time usage. 

Of course, the big three – Apple, Google, Microsoft – have their solutions. Also other players like Facebook, Nintendo, Sony have solutions for their products as well.


Let’s start with Apple. There are few different things Apple has had and now just recently came out with to help parents. Up until iOS 12 they had “Family” groups you could create – not so much for managing screen time, but for creating a group where family members can share purchases, location, etc.

As a parent you can set up an Apple/iCloud account for a minor and then incorporate them into your “Family”. A parent also had to set up “restrictions” in iOS settings for each device for a kid. Kids can ask permission to install apps, and parents devices get an alert to allow or deny. 

What NOT to do: I have seen too many parents just sign in as themselves and give their kids a device. Please DON’T do this! Kids can really mess up your accounts. Another thing would be just giving kid unmanaged device with no account. You lose a lot of shared benefits of having an account for your kid under your family.

With the latest release Apple came out with “Screen Time” – for users to manage their own digital wellbeing on their own devices, but this also lets parents manage screen time on kids devices under the family group. 

Screen Time - Kid Device Management

You then get a weekly report of Screen Time for your kid and can change settings etc through Screen Time on what apps are allowed, etc. 

So, what’s missing? Well – for one – some devices have TouchId or FaceId – how does a parent set that up and still get into a device physically? Up to you. For now on my family devices, no passcodes or 2 factor auth – it is just too much overhead and messy to manage with kids. 


Google has something similar for managing kids devices – it is called “Family Link” – but you need to install and configure it. Similarly to Apple screen time you can manage what apps and time spent and other settings on devices. It works on Android devices so if you are running a Google Android device but your kid has an old iPad or iPhone you are out of luck. 

Google Family Link App

Recently they announced you can run Family Link on Chromebooks (ChromeOS) as well – but I have yet to get this working. It is supposed to work similarly to Android where you can manage the apps and see usage, set screen time etc.

I have found that Google support around Family Link is more responsive than other Google support I have tried to reach out to, but I still cannot get it working on my daughters Chromebook.

One thing to note as well, and maybe I can follow up on this one after I get it working – but you need to create a google account for your kid (just like Apple). If you manage it, it should be okay. But – your kid might already have a Google Account through their school district. It starts getting tricky here. You as a parent cannot “manage” that account. I think there is a way to link them. So the kid would login to your Chromebook with their kid google account, and then still be able to get to google classroom or login to chrome (google docs, etc) with the school account. Time will tell. It is messy right now.

YouTube (owned by Google) is another story. YouTube is really a cesspool of crap if you get down the rabbit hole. There have been many articles and cries for help to Google/YouTube to let parents better regulate what their kids see. YouTube STILL doesn’t let you block entire channels. This is a big miss.

Also, if you have shared devices (like an Apple TV, etc) with YouTube and you login as the adult – the kids sees your recommendations. What kids watch screw up your recommendations. Switching between accounts is not easy (Netflix does this pretty well).

YouTube Kids is an app that is made for “kids” – and is supposed to filter out junk – but it isn’t foolproof. Parents are usually going to take the easy route, and YouTube website/main app etc are going to be the go to. In my opinion – the filtering on YouTube and parental control is one of the big problems Google needs to tackle, and soon.

Google also has a bunch of features, not so much parental controls, that they are coming out for around Google Home around reading books with your kids, stories, etc. Try them out sometime if you can, they are pretty cool. With four kids in the house, reading to one of them, while one reads themselves, while the other says “Hey google, tell me a story” is a lifesaver, especially when one parent is away for an evening.


Microsoft has very similar setups to Apple and Google – but of course a little different. With Microsoft, you can setup an account for your child and tie it to your “family” – but you can use an existing email (so if you have a gmail or icloud from Apple or Google you can use that).

Microsoft Family Home Page

The only real devices you can manage from Microsoft are Windows devices and Xbox.

You can allow a child to login to a Windows device and restrict time and apps. One big miss here though is that you can only manage web browsing with Edge, and not other browsers. My kid uses Chrome – because they are used to it with Google Chromebooks at school, but I cannot manage their browser usage, etc. Big bummer

Managing Screen Time for Microsoft Devices

With Xbox you can manage screen time and game limits and ratings, etc. Works pretty well


Nintendo has an app you can download and tie it to your Nintendo switch. You can use it as parental control and set time limits and game limits etc. I don’t use it for that as I manage that pretty close directly with my kids but a nice feature of the app is it tracks play time, and that is good even to see for myself!

Nintendo Parental Control App
Nintendo Switch – Play Time


Facebook. Not sure on this one as I deactivated my account recently and I am about to jump ship due to their creepiness, scandals, privacy issues, etc.

I did try out Facebook Messenger for Kids this summer. It lets your kid sign up just for Messenger for Kids, not Facebook. They can add their friends, but both kids parents have to allow it. Also, parents can limit usage time and also install the app on their device and see all messages, etc.

This app works well if your kid wants to message their friend from their old iPhone using iMessage – but their friend has their parents old Android device and it won’t work.

Netflix & Hulu

I mentioned it earlier, but Netflix does have a way to create a “profile” that is deemed “kids” and is pre-filtered to kids specific shows. You can set it for “little kids” or “older kids and younger”. This works fairly well in practice.

It is easy enough for kids to just change profiles though. Maybe having non kid profiles pin controlled would be a good addition? Also, we have one for “Family” that has things we might all watch together vs just Paw Patrol episodes 🙂

Profile for Kids in Netflix
Edit Profile – Kids – Netflix

Hulu has a very similar setup. Profile for kids, can see kids shows.

Choose Profile Screen on Hulu – Web
Set Programming to “Kid Friendly” – Hulu


Sony has a way to set up parental controls on Playstation. You can set up a profile for your kid – but you need an email address. You can restrict games and screen time, etc.

I have a Playstation but haven’t set these up myself as my kids don’t play on it. Yet.


Amazon has a way to set parental controls, I really can’t speak to them as I have no real Amazon devices where you set this up – but here is a link to assist if you’ve read this far.


Okay, so there is a lot going on here. Your mileage may vary. Your family is going to be different than mine. More or less kids, different ages. Also, your tech profile won’t be the same. Different devices, platforms and operating systems.

As you can see, for the big companies, you need to set up an email address for your children and manage their profiles, and connect them to your family. Then they offer you ways to restrict time on devices and also different types of content, etc.

There are also ways some of the smaller or ancillary players let you manage children use time and parental controls. I hope you found this useful, hit me up in the comments with any questions!


Shut Up And Dance: Scammers using hacked passwords to extort money

Below is the email I received yesterday. Posting here so hopefully others will google and find and know this is a scam. Do not pass go, do not transfer 200 bitcoin.

For those that have watched Black Mirror – this reminds me of this episode.

Let’s cut to the chase. I do know is your password. Most importantly, I do know about your secret and I have proof of this. You do not know me and nobody paid me to examine you.

It is just your misfortune that I discovered your misadventures. The truth is, I actually setup a malware on the adult vids (porno) and you visited this site to experience fun (you know what I mean). When you were busy watching video clips, your web browser initiated functioning as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) having a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen as well as webcam. Just after that, my software gathered your complete contacts from messenger, social networks, as well as mailbox.

After that I gave in more hours than I probably should have into your life and generated a double display video. 1st part displays the recording you had been viewing and second part shows the capture of your web cam (its you doing inappropriate things).

Frankly, I am ready to forget about you and allow you to move on with your regular life. And my goal is to offer you two options that can accomplish that. Those two choices are with the idea to ignore this letter, or perhaps pay me $2700. Let us explore these two options in details.

Option One is to ignore this e mail. Let us see what will happen if you take this path. I will certainly send out your video recording to your entire contacts including relatives, colleagues, etc. It does not shield you from the humiliation your family will feel when relatives and buddies uncover your sordid videos from me.

Option 2 is to send me $2700. We’ll call it my “privacy tip”. Let me tell you what happens if you choose this option. Your secret remains your secret. I’ll destroy the recording immediately. You keep your lifetime that nothing like this ever happened.

At this point you may be thinking, “Let me call cops”. Let me tell you, I have taken steps to ensure that this e mail can’t be traced returning to me and yes it will not stop the evidence from destroying your health. I’m not looking to steal all your savings. I am just looking to get compensated for efforts and time I put into investigating you. Let’s hope you’ve decided to produce all this disappear and pay me my confidentiality fee. You will make the payment by Bitcoins (if you don’t know how, search “how to buy bitcoins” in google)

Transfer Amount: $2700
Receiving Bitcoin Address: 1HbpwLWbk4a*WjTsB272WquDq1eRnoxsHaA ( You must Remove * from this string and note it carefully)

Share with nobody what will you use the bitcoin for or they will often not give it to you. The procedure to have bitcoin may take a couple of days so do not procrastinate.
I have a special pixel in this message, and at this moment I know that you’ve read through this email. You now have two days to make the payment. If I do not get the BitCoins, I will definitely send out your video to all your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. Nevertheless, if I receive the payment, I’ll erase the recording immediately. It is a non-negotiable one time offer, so do not waste my time and yours. The clock is ticking. Let me remind you, my software is going to be sharing the actions you take when you’re done reading this email. Let me assure you that If you do something suspicious I will send out your sextape to your friends and family, co-workers before time finishes.

I wonder how many fall for this scam. The password was a password I used, maybe 7 years ago on a site that got hacked, before I used a password manager and had unique passwords on every site.

My feeling is that reporting as SPAM or Phishing in gmail isn’t enough here. There should be some way to report this to a broader type of scam.



Internet Explorer YouTube Embeds Duplicate Closed Captions

Ran into a funky issue recently with Internet Explorer, YouTube embeds and duplicate closed captions (CC)


Videos that you use closed captions (CC) on work fine in Chrome, Firefox, even Microsoft Edge, but some videos, some times, in some areas of the video would duplicate closed captions in Internet Explorer 11.

The fix for this is to use an iframe embed for Internet Explorer and you will no longer see duplicated CCs. The more you know!


Garmin 1000 – USB Mass Storage Mode

This past weekend, I decided to do a bike ride from Sun Prairie to New Glarus.

I have ridden my bike from Sun Prairie to Madison plenty of times so I knew the route about half of the way. What I didn’t know was the best route from Madison to New Glarus, as there are many routes.

So I got a few routes from @chdbrwn via MapMyRide. I exported them out and tried to get them on my Garmin 1000. No dice. Hooked up to the computer, Garmin wouldn’t show up. Tried a few different computers, nothing.

Then it dawned on me.. am I using the right cable? Well, turns out I wasn’t. I have a ton of USB cables and I was using one of the many, which with the Garmin 1000, would charge it if hooked to the computer, but it wouldn’t show up as a device or sync with Garmin Express. Syncing is fine since I usually sync over wifi or via the phone connection.

I found my “official” Garmin cable and it showed up right away. Now, to get the files on there. Previously on the Garmin 810 you could just copy into “Courses” or “Rides”, etc and files would show up. Turns out on the 1000 you need to put the files in “NewFiles” folder on the device and reboot, and when it comes back it, the Garmin will process them and they show up on the device. Great!

But, the file I exported from MapMyRide turns out didn’t have any cues (basically turns), so I was riding just looking at the line on the map the entire ride.  I could have used RideWithGPS to add cues, but I tried their “Write to Garmin” and it wasn’t working, not sure it was putting things in NewFiles either.

Seems like turn by turn and mapping/routes shouldn’t be this complicated in the year 2015.

Bottom line, make sure you have the right cable, and also set up your cues on the route file before importing. Happy Riding!


Testing Hardware – QA and the Nest Thermostat 

I have had a Nest thermostat now for 3 years. For the first year it was great. Then, something shorted out in our furnace or something and it went haywire. 

Problem was, the furnace blower would try to start when the A/C was on. Not good.

A bug fix was to just disconnect the heat wire during the summer. But I am getting sick of that. 

And how can I prove that it isn’t a botched wire job or a screwed up Nest?

Most HVAC companies still don’t know much about Nest and that’s a shame, but their first line of defense would be to blame the Nest anyways.

Tonight I ran and picked up a $25 programmable thermostat and wired it up. All wires. To try to replicate the problem 

Well I hook it up and no problems. My guess is the Nest is borked. Now on to try to prove that.

In any event here is my test harness 🙂

So now the question is. Try to get it fixed/replaced or just buy a new one. After I get it sorted I will update this post.